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“Words and Sayings of the
Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ
Jesus our Lord. Amen. During Advent this year our sermon series is “Words and Sayings of the
Season,” explaining the Biblical background and meaning of words and sayings
that we commonly hear and say ourselves this time of year. This morning we
consider the most familiar and widely used saying of the season: “Merry
Christmas!” The first half of the word “Christmas” really tells us what—and
who—this season is all about. As today’s Gospel Reading says, “The people
were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might
possibly be the Christ.” “Christ” really was not Jesus’ last name, as we would tend to assume.
Last names are actually a fairly recent invention, and they simply didn’t have
last name in Bible times. Instead, people were often identified by where
they came from or their father’s name. That’s why in the Gospels Jesus is
called both “Jesus of Nazareth,” after his hometown, and “Son of Joseph,” after
his adoptive father. Children often think that “Pastor” must be my first name, and they’re
sometimes surprised to learn that I do have a first name, Kevin. Rather
than being his last name, “Christ” is likewise a title given to Jesus,
signifying the office that he held. “Christ” is the Greek form of the
Hebrew word “Messiah,” the title of the long-awaited, promised Savior.
That’s why, just as I am called “Pastor Vogts,” Jesus was called “Christ Jesus”
or “Jesus Christ,” because he is the long-awaited, promised Savior. “The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their
hearts if John might possibly be the Christ.” John the Baptist was such a
powerful prophet that the people thought the ancient promises of the coming
Christ might have been fulfilled in him. But, the other Gospels report
John the Baptist answered them, “I am not the Christ. . . but after me
will come one who is more powerful than I.” And Paul says in the book of Acts,
“As John was finishing his work, he said, ‘Who do you think I am? No, I am
not he, but he is coming after me.” John the Baptist himself was not the promised Christ, but instead he
was the forerunner of the Messiah, announcing the Good News the Savior’s
imminent coming into the world, as Isaiah prophesies in today’s Old Testament
Reading, “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord!’” “The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their
hearts if John might possibly be the Christ.” That’s the meaning of the first
half of the word “Christmas”: Christ, the title of Jesus, designating him the
Messiah, the long-awaited, promised Savior of the world. “Christmas” would be better pronounced “Christ-mass.” Because,
the second half of the word “Christmas” is the traditional term for a Christian
worship service, still used by Lutherans in many parts of the world, a “mass” of
Christian worship, shortened by one letter “s” in the word “Christmas.”
So, “Christ-mass” literally means a “mass,” or worship service, celebrating
Christ, in particular celebrating the birth of Christ. All around the world there are many different ways, in different
languages, to greet people at Christmas. In German it’s “Froehliche
Weihnachten,” which literally means “Happy Holy Night.” In Norwegian it’s
“God Jul” [GOO yul], which means “Good Yule.” In Spanish it’s “Feliz
Navidad,” which means “Happy Nativity.” In French it’s “Joyeux Noel” [ju-way-YOU
no-ELL], which means, “Joyous Noel.” You may have a recording of
Bing Crosby singing “Merry Christmas” transliterated into Hawaiian as “Mele
Kalikimaka.” Because of the worldwide influence of our American media, the most
common Christmas greeting around the world today has become our own familiar
“Merry Christmas.” This phrase originated in England during the Middle Ages, and
the first written example of “Merry Christmas” is from the 1500’s. To us
the word “merry” means “jovial” or “jolly,” like the American Santa Claus.
It is true we are jovial and jolly at Christmastime, but originally “Merry
Christmas” had a much deeper meaning. Because, in old English the word
“merry” means “peaceful.” Doesn’t that sound beautiful, wishing people a
“Peaceful Christmas”? Really, this old greeting is an echo of the
announcement the angels made to the shepherds on the first Christmas Eve: “Glory
to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” So, when you wish someone a “Merry Christmas,” it’s really a shorthand
way saying to them, “God’s Peace Be with You Because of Christ’s Birth.”
And that’s what the message of Christmas is really all about. In
Ephesians, Paul describes our sin as “the dividing wall of hostility,” an
impassible spiritual barrier, separating you from God and eternal life in
heaven, and damming you to eternal torment in the fires of hell. As John the
Baptist sternly warns in today’s Gospel Reading, “The ax is already at the root
of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down
and thrown into the fire.” That’s why the world needed a Messiah, to save
us from our sins. Paul continues in Ephesians with the Good News: “But now in Christ
Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of
Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has . . . destroyed the barrier,
the dividing wall of hostility. . . he came and preached peace to you who
were far away.” When you wish someone a “Merry Christmas,” it’s really a
shorthand way saying, “God’s Peace Be with You Because of Christ’s Birth.”
The old English carol puts it very beautifully: “God rest you merry, gentlemen,
let nothing you dismay, remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day, to
save us all from Satan’s power when we were gone astray . . . O tidings of
comfort and joy!” People often wonder about the substitution of “Xmas” for “Christmas.”
Actually, that’s another old bit of Christian shorthand. You may have
never noticed on the front of our altar the traditional Christian symbol “Chi
Rho,” or perhaps you’ve wondered what it means. This morning I’m wearing
cufflinks with a monogram of my name, “KDV.” In the same way, the “Chi
Rho” is a monogram, composed of the first two letters of Jesus’ title in Greek,
“Christus,” “Christ.” What looks like an English “P” in this monogram is really a Greek
“rho,” and what looks like an English “X” is really a Greek “chi.” Because
of the difficulty and expense of writing everything out by hand, in ancient
times it was common to use such abbreviations. So, the “X” in “Xmas” isn’t
really an English “X” at all, but the Greek letter “chi,” and “Xmas” is actually
an ancient Christian abbreviation for “Christmas.” Some people these days
might use “Xmas” instead of Christmas because they think it avoids referring to
Christ, but, the irony is, whether they realize it or not, “Xmas” still is
“Christmas.” You may have seen bumper stickers that say something like, “Keep Christ
in Christmas.” It is frustrating that there seems to be a strange
discrimination against this major Christian holiday. It’s especially
frustrating because no other religion, or their holidays, seems to be treated
that way. However, I once met a man who was all fired up about this
discrimination against Christmas, and rightly so. But, as our conversation
progressed, it turned out he didn’t really keep Christmas himself.
Because, he wasn’t a member of a Christian church, and he wasn’t interested in
my invitation to visit our church and celebrate the real “reason for the
season.” As Christian citizens, we should lobby for our faith and our holidays
to be treated fairly and with proper respect. But, the best way to “Keep
Christ in Christmas” is for Christians like you to do exactly what you’re doing
today. “Oh, come, all ye faithful . . . Oh, come, let us adore him, Christ
the Lord!” Amen. Return to Top | Return to Sermons | Home | Email Church Office